Study Shows That 10% Of College Graduates Think Judge Judy Is On The Supreme Court

(CNN) Nearly 10% of college graduates surveyed in a poll believe Judith Sheindlin, aka “Judge Judy,” serves on the Supreme Court. Sheindlin is an American lawyer made popular as the judge on a court show by the name of “Judge Judy.” The show features Sheindlin handling small disputes in a courtroom, but Sheindlin does not serve on the Supreme Court of the United States. The poll, conducted by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni in August 2015 but released in January 2016, concluded from the 1,000 surveyed that college graduates “are alarmingly ignorant of America’s history and heritage.” The survey also found 28.4% of college graduates correctly identify the father of the Constitution as James Madison. About 59% of college students surveyed believe the father of the Constitution was Thomas Jefferson, who was actually the principal writer for the Declaration of Independence.



I realize this study and it’s results are supposed to warrant a reaction of, “Dear god, we are stupid.  We are so very stupid. Judge Judy isn’t on the Supreme Court you fools! We’re doomed!”  The only reaction I had was that it furthers the fact that college is pointless. It’s proof that you can go to college and be stupid. You can go to college and be super smart or super stupid.  It really doesn’t matter. Anybody can graduate college. If you go to class like 74% of the time, you’ll graduate. Grades don’t matter and GPA doesn’t matter.  People who freak out about finals and their grades in college are some of the dumbest people in the world because it literally doesn’t matter. They are looking at it completely backwards.  Am I saying you shouldn’t go to college? Nope. Of course you should go but not for the education. Go because it’s AWESOME. It’s 4 years of socially accepted alcoholism, illegal drug use, risky sexual encounters and more alcoholism.  This Judge Judy/Supreme court study is dumb because it uses the word “college graduates” and wants us to think the people they polled have some level of intelligence because of it.  They don’t. Clearly. I’m actually surprised it’s not higher than 10%. On the right day you 4000% could’ve convinced me that Judge Judy was on the Supreme Court during her career.

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